How New Plant Hardiness Zones Affect Hudson Valley Tree Care

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released new Plant Hardiness Zone Maps, including for our region in the Mid-Hudson Valley and Catskills.

Plant hardiness zones are geographic areas defined by climate conditions that help gardeners and landscapers determine which plants are most likely to thrive in a particular region. These zones are based on average minimum winter temperatures and are divided into numbered zones, typically ranging from 1 (coldest) to 11 (warmest).

Plant hardiness zones affect tree care in several ways:

Species Selection: Knowing your plant hardiness zone allows you to choose tree species that are well-suited to your climate. Trees that are adapted to your zone are more likely to withstand temperature extremes and other environmental conditions.

Cold Hardiness: Trees in colder zones need to be able to tolerate freezing temperatures and winter conditions such as snow and ice. Selecting trees with appropriate cold hardiness ensures they can survive the winter without damage.

Frost Dates: Understanding the typical timing of the last spring frost and first fall frost in your zone helps you schedule tree care tasks such as pruning, fertilizing, and planting to avoid potential frost damage.

Microclimates: While plant hardiness zones provide a general guideline, factors such as elevation, proximity to water bodies, and urban heat islands can create microclimates within a region. It’s important to consider these factors when selecting and caring for trees, as they can influence local temperature and weather patterns.

Seasonal Care: Tree care practices may vary depending on the specific needs of trees in your hardiness zone. For example, trees in colder zones may benefit from winter protection measures such as mulching or wrapping to insulate roots and prevent frost damage.

Technically, changes in the environment may accelerate problems with trees that thrived in the previous Plant Hardiness Zone, but are now in a Zone that doesn’t quite suit them. But most of the Zone changes in our region have been minimal, and the timeline for things like tree removal or tree trimming services isn’t affected too much.

Here are some of the changes in Hudson Valley and Catskills communities, paired with information about that community’s most common tree:

1. Kingston, NY

2012 Plant Hardiness Zone: 5B (-15°F to -10°F Minimum Temperature)
2023 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6B (-5°F to 0°F)
Most Common Tree: Norway Maple (Safe in Zones 3-7)

2. Catskill, NY

2012 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6A (-10°F to -5°F)
2023 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6A (-10°F to -5°F)
Most Common Tree: Norway Maple (Safe in Zones 3-7)

3. Poughkeepsie, NY

2012 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6A (-10°F to -5°F)
2023 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6B (-5°F to 0°F)
Most Common Tree: Norway Maple (Safe in Zones 3-7)

4. Red Hook, NY

2012 Plant Hardiness Zone: 5B (-15°F to -10°F)
2023 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6A (-10°F to -5°F)
Most Common Tree: Sugar Maple (Safe in Zones 3-8)

5. New Paltz, NY

2012 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6A (-10°F to -5°F)
2023 Plant Hardiness Zone: 6B (-5°F to 0°F)
Most Common Tree: Norway Maple (Safe in Zones 3-7)

Spring in the Hudson Valley: Time to Check Your Trees for Warning Signs of Disease

As the weather turns from winter to spring in the Hudson Valley, many homeowners are heading outside to their yards for the first time in months. In order to get the maximum enjoyment and value from your property while maintaining safety, it’s important to check your trees for signs of disease, damage and overall health concerns. A little tree care now could save you major headaches in the future.

Here’s a checklist for homeowners to check their trees for disease after the winter:

1. Inspect Trunks and Branches

Check for any signs of damage, including splits, cracks, or peeling bark. These could indicate disease or pest infestation.

2. Check Leaf Buds

Examine leaf buds for signs of swelling or discoloration. Healthy buds should be firm and plump.

3. Inspect Leaves

Check the leaves for any abnormalities such as spots, holes, or discoloration. Drooping or wilting leaves may also indicate issues.

4. Look for Pests

Check for signs of insect activity such as holes in the bark, sawdust-like frass, or webs. These could indicate the presence of pests like borers or caterpillars. Check our list of the most common Hudson Valley invasive species that hurt trees.

5. Assess Tree Health

Evaluate the overall health of the tree, including its growth rate, foliage density, and canopy shape. Signs of decline such as sparse foliage or stunted growth may indicate underlying issues.

6. Note Environmental Stressors

Consider any environmental factors that may have impacted the tree during the winter, such as extreme cold, ice, or snow accumulation. These stressors can weaken trees and make them more susceptible to disease.

7. Keep an Eye on Nearby Trees

Check neighboring trees for similar symptoms or signs of disease. Diseases can spread easily between trees, so early detection is key to preventing further infestation.

8. Maintain Tree Care Practices

Ensure trees receive adequate water, mulching, and fertilization to support their overall health and resilience to disease. Proper pruning and maintenance can also help prevent future issues.

9. Keep Records

Document any observations, including dates, symptoms, and actions taken. This information can be valuable for tracking changes in tree health over time and informing future management decisions. Taking a picture of your tree every year could help.

If you notice anything in your inspection of your trees, consider the next item on our checklist:

10. Consult a Professional

If you notice any concerning symptoms or are unsure about the health of your trees, consider contacting us at 845-331-6782 with any questions about your trees’ health.

Our services include:

  1. Tree Removal
  2. Tree Trimming
  3. Feeding and Cabling
  4. Storm Response

New Paltz, NY’s 6 Most Common Trees and 8 Most Common Tree Diseases

The Town of New Paltz, NY in Ulster County has been a Certified Tree City USA for over 30 years. To maintain this impressive run, they had to complete a comprehensive tree inventory in 2018.

According to the report on their website:

In March and April 2018, DRG arborists, certified by the International Society of Arboriculture, assessed and inventoried trees, stumps, and planting sites along the street ROW and trees and stumps in specified parks and public facilities. A total of 8,696 sites were collected during the inventory: 7,590 trees, 537 stumps, and 569 planting sites. Within the village, 4,400 sites (3,881 trees, 203 stumps, and 316 vacant sites) were inventoried and within the town, 4,296 sites (3,709 trees, 334 stumps, and 253 vacant sites) were inventoried. Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of the number and type of sites inventoried.

In this blog post, we summarize some of the findings of New Paltz’s tree inventory and offer tree maintenance tips that can help New Paltz residents maintain the health and wellness of their trees.

What are New Paltz’s most common trees?

1. Norway Maple

Norway Maples are relatively low-maintenance trees, but regular watering, especially during dry spells, can help them thrive. Be sure to provide adequate mulching around the base of the tree to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Keep an eye out for signs of Norway Maple decline, such as yellowing leaves or dieback, which may indicate issues like verticillium wilt or root rot.

2. Sugar Maple

Sugar Maples benefit from well-drained soil and regular deep watering, particularly in hot and dry conditions. Mulching can help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature fluctuations around the tree’s roots. Keep an eye out for signs of stress, such as wilting leaves or early leaf drop, which may indicate issues like drought stress or fungal infections.

3. Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedars are hardy trees that are tolerant of various soil types and moisture levels. However, they may benefit from occasional watering during prolonged dry periods, especially when young. Pruning dead or diseased branches can help maintain the tree’s health and appearance, while keeping an eye out for signs of cedar rust or bagworm infestations is essential for early detection and treatment.

4. American Elm

American Elms require regular watering, especially during dry spells, to maintain their health and vigor. Proper pruning can help shape the tree and remove dead or diseased branches, while also preventing overcrowding and improving air circulation. Keep an eye out for signs of Dutch Elm Disease, such as wilting or yellowing leaves, and promptly remove and dispose of any affected branches to prevent further spread.

5. Eastern White Pine

Eastern White Pines prefer moist, well-drained soil and benefit from regular watering, especially during hot and dry weather. Mulching can help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds, while also protecting the tree’s shallow roots. Keep an eye out for signs of needle discoloration or dieback, which may indicate issues like pine wilt disease or pine tip blight.

6. Silver Maple

Silver Maples are fast-growing trees that require regular watering, particularly during periods of drought, to prevent stress and maintain healthy growth. Proper pruning can help manage the tree’s shape and structure, while also removing dead or diseased branches. Keep an eye out for signs of silver maple decline, such as yellowing or wilting leaves, which may indicate issues like root compaction or fungal infections.

New Paltz’s Most Common Invasive Species and Tree Pests

1. Asian Longhorned Beetle (38%)

This invasive beetle targets a wide range of hardwood trees, including maples, birches, and elms. Infestations can lead to tree death if left untreated, making early detection and eradication efforts crucial.

2. Gypsy Moth (23%)

Gypsy moth caterpillars feed on the leaves of various tree species, including oaks and maples, defoliating trees and weakening their overall health. Monitoring for egg masses and implementing control measures can help mitigate infestations.

3. Oak Wilt (9%)

Oak wilt is a fungal disease that affects oak trees, causing leaf discoloration, wilting, and eventual tree death. Proper sanitation and avoiding pruning during the growing season can help prevent the spread of oak wilt.

4. Oak Splendor Beetle (8%)

This beetle species primarily targets stressed or weakened oak trees, introducing fungal pathogens that can lead to tree decline and mortality. Maintaining tree vigor through proper watering and fertilization practices can help prevent infestations.

5. Dutch Elm Disease (5%)

Dutch elm disease is caused by a fungus spread by elm bark beetles, resulting in wilting, yellowing foliage, and eventual tree death in susceptible elm species. Early detection and prompt removal of infected trees can help prevent the spread of the disease.

6. Sirex Woodwasp (5%)

Sirex woodwasps infest pine trees, introducing a toxic fungus that disrupts tree growth and can lead to tree mortality. Monitoring for woodwasp activity and implementing control measures such as insecticide applications can help manage infestations.

7. Mediterranean Pine Engraver (5%)

This bark beetle species attacks pine trees, causing damage to the tree’s vascular system and facilitating the spread of fungal pathogens. Proper tree maintenance practices, such as removing infested trees and promoting tree health, can help mitigate the impact of Mediterranean pine engravers.

8. Emerald Ash Borer (5%)

Emerald ash borers are highly destructive pests that target ash trees, tunneling under the bark and disrupting the tree’s nutrient transport system. Early detection, tree removal, and treatment options such as insecticide applications can help manage emerald ash borer infestations and protect ash tree populations in New Paltz.

Red Hook, NY’s 6 Most Common Trees and How to Maintain Them

Both the Town and Village of Red Hook, in New York’s Dutchess County, are certified as “Tree Cities.” They both meet program’s core requirements, which are to maintain a tree board/department, have a tree care laws on the books, dedication of a yearly community forestry budget of at least $2 per resident, and to host an annual Arbor Day observance/proclamation.

The Town of Red Hook has qualified as a Tree City for 17 years running, and as recently as 2022, have held tree planting days to help boost the number of trees in the area.

In 2013, the Town of Red Hook Tree Preservation Commission created a Forestry Management Plan. Some of the tree services that they recommend include:

  • Watering needs – newly planted trees should receive 10 gallons of water a week. Irrigator bags help to water the trees more deeply and evenly.
  • Staking needs – new trees may need to be staked. Stakes should be removed after one year.
  • General health with special attention to invasive insects and diseases such as the Asian
  • Long-horned Beetle and the Emerald Ash Borer.
  • Pruning needs – proper pruning contributes greatly to the structure and vigor of the tree.

The plan also includes an inventory of how many trees of different kinds exist along roads and public areas in the Town of Red Hook, compiled at the time by the DEC Forester for Region 3. Let’s take a look at what they are and what some of the common maintenance tips could be for property owners.

1. Sugar Maple – 114

Excessive use of fertilizer is something to look out for with red maples; but they do well with regular watering and mulching, and are beautiful in the fall.

2. Spruce – 75

A spruce tree is an evergreen that looks distinctive in many contexts. Onlookers notice its tall, pyramid-like shape and droopy branches. They are hardy against many diseases, but keep your eyes peeled for pests like the spruce budworm or spider mites. Read our blog post about the most common tree pests in the Hudson Valley.

3. Pine – 39

Pine trees look very similar to spruce; but on on pine trees, the needles are attached to branches in clusters. With spruce trees, needles are attached individually.

Pines are vulnerable to blister rust. These can appear as pustules on the branches. Pine trees are also sensitive to road salt and air pollution, so placement is a key consideration when planting.

4. Norway Maple – 39

Norway Maples are the top tree in the Town of Poughkeepsie, City of Kingston and the Village of Catskill. They are known to be vulnerable to verticillium wilt, and tar spot. To take care of a Norway Maple is to perform regular check-ups and prunings.

5. Honey Locust – 30

Honey Locusts also appear on our Poughkeepsie, Catskill and Kingston lists. It’s a popular tree for the Mid-Hudson Valley, and people love its delicate, fern-like foliage and ability to adapt to various soil and environmental conditions.

Honey Locust owners should be mindful about common pests like the honeylocust plant bug and spider mites, as well as cankers. Performing inspections, watering your honeylocust properly, and pruning regularly can mitigate these concerns.

6. Red Maple – 25

Sugar Maple’s relative, the Red Maple, is known for creating beautiful foliage in the fall. Regular pruning will remove dead, diseased and crowded branches. Due to the tree’s shallow root system, it’s helpful to mulch regularly around the base to maintain soil moisture and keep the temperature regulated. Red Maples can be okay with a range of soils, but they do best in slightly acidic to neutral soils. Some of their common pests are aphids or scales, and they can be hurt by diseases like anthracnose or verticillium wilt.

Are you a Red Hook property owner who needs help maintaining your trees? Give Expert Tree Service a call at 845-331-6782 to schedule a consultation! Whether it’s Tree removal, tree trimming, tree feeding and cabling, or emergency storm response for your trees, our team has the equipment and expertise to help your trees thrive while ensuring safety.

Will Insurance Cover My Tree Removal?

Here in the mid-Hudson Valley and Catskills region, we can reasonably expect a good amount of snow, ice, rain and wind every winter. Sometimes, because of a combination of weather, pre-existing tree conditions and diseases, and just plain bad luck, you could be dealing with a major incident like a tree falling on your house or your car, causing property damage.

This means that instead of calling us for preventative tree maintenance or planned tree removal, you have an emergency situation that needs a speedy solution. Since tree removal services aren’t cheap, a question that often comes up is, “Will my insurance pay for this?” In this article, we’ll go over what situations you may receive reimbursement for tree removal services, and other situations where you may be on your own.

How much snowfall is there in the Hudson Valley and Catskills region?

To set up the prevalence of this problem, let’s take a look at the annual average snowfall totals for our local community (according to

  • Kingston, NY – 42 inches of snowfall a year
  • Catskill, NY – 44 inches of snowfall a year
  • Ellenville, NY – 43 inches of snowfall a year
  • Poughkeepsie, NY – 41.5 inches of snowfall a year
  • Pine Plains, NY – 52 inches of snowfall a year

Simply put, a regular snow-storm with wind in our region can cause tremendous damage to trees, weighing down limbs and branches as it accumulates or melts, and adding to the already-existing pressures that are on our trees.

How can tree services be paid for by homeowners insurance?

For most homeowners insurance policies, damages caused by a fallen tree can be reimbursed if they meet the following two criteria:

  1. The tree’s falling was due to a “covered peril” event that is spelled out in your policy. These may include ice, freezing rain, lightning, wind, and other natural weather occurrences. If the tree falls in normal weather conditions, due to rot, age, disease, or other factors, it may not be covered.
  2. The damage from the falling tree or limbs must be made to a “covered structure” that is named in your policy

On top of the damages that occurred to your property, the next question is, who pays for the tree removal or remediation? Depending on your specific policy, it may often cover the removal of the fallen tree if it is on the aforementioned “covered structure” or if the tree is in the way of your front door or driveway.

Can tree services be paid for by car insurance?

Generally, car insurance can reimburse you for the financial damage that may occur when a falling object like a tree hits on your car. Just like with homeowners insurance, it may not cover you if the tree falls from usual rot and decay; it has to be an unexpected event. However, unlike with homeowners insurance, it unlikely that your car insurance will pay for the removal of the tree after it falls.

Questions? Is your home or car in danger of being damaged in the next storm? Or has the damage already occurred, and you want to know what to do next? Either way, give us a call at 845-331-6782, and we’ll help you figure out what to do. 

Poughkeepsie, NY’s 12 Most Common Trees and How to Care for Them

These days, it seems like every city in the Mid-Hudson Valley is a certified “Tree City,” meaning it has an authorized Tree Commission, a Tree planning Ordinance, a budget of $2 per capita for trees, and an Arbor Day proclamation and ceremony. However, it was Poughkeepsie that really started the trend in New York State.

Poughkeepsie was the first city in the state to become certified as a Tree City by the Department of Environmental Conservation, all the way back in 1979. Their robust Poughkeepsie Tree Inventory and Community Forest Management Plan are funded by the Urban and Community Forest Program of the DEC; the city’s 12,000 trees are credited with providing shade, improving air quality, reducing stormwater runoff, and beautify Poughkeepsie’s streets and urban environment.

According to the Management Plan, the most common Poughkeepsie tree maintenance services needed are:

  • Tree Pruning
  • Tree Planting
  • Stump Removal
  • Tree Removal

The report says that proper tree maintenance will reduce future costs and increase the longevity of newly planted trees. It also has an entire section with suggestions about how to deal with the growing emerald ash borer infestation that is ravaging the Northeast; the options range from treating all ash trees, removing all of them, or a combination of treatment and removal, with “careful consideration” to determine which trees receive which option.

Here are Poughkeepsie’s most common municipal trees:

1. Norway Maple (Acer Plantanoides) – 1,725 Trees

Just like in the Village of Catskill and City of Kingston, Norway Maple is the #1 tree in the City of Poughkeepsie. These trees may be affected by a disease known as verticillium wilt, and tar spot. These trees are best served by seasonal check-ups and pruning for maximum longevity.

2. Crabapple Species (Malus Floribunda) – 563 Trees

These trees are vulnerable to rust, apple scab and fire blight. Mulching around the base can help them retain moisture and prevent weeds.

3. Japanese Flowering Cherry (Prunus Serrulata) – 440 Trees

Japanese Flowering Cherry trees require lots of sunlight and well-drained soil.

4. Green Ash (Fraxinus Pennsylvania) – 326 Trees

As mentioned earlier, these trees are being heavily affected by the ongoing emerald ash borer epidemic in the Northeast. For trees that are in fair to good health, it’s possible to administer treatments to the tree that will slow the spread of emerald ash borer.

5. Ornamental Pear (Pyrus Calleryana) – 291 Trees

These trees have beautiful spring blossoms and vibrant fall foliage. They thrive in well-draining soil, and can benefit from a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to encourage healthy growth and flowering.

6. Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos) – 287 Trees

These trees benefit from regular pruning, deep, consistent watering and mulching.

7. Pin Oak (Quercus Palustris) – 258 Trees

Pin oaks don’t require heavy fertilization, but they are vulnerable to pests like caterpillars. Addressing infestations quickly will prolong their life. They also benefit from regular watering to amintain a healthy root system.

8. Littleleaf Linden (Tilia Cordata) – 230 Trees

These trees benefit from consistent moisture in their early years, as well as pruning and shaping during the dormant season. They are vulnerable to aphids and Japanese beetles.

9. Red Maple (Acer Rubrus) – 160 Trees

Too much fertilizer is a bad thing for red maples; they thrive with consistent moisture and mulching, and are gorgeous in the fall.

10. Sugar Maple (Acer Saccarum) – 146 Trees

Sugar maples are very similar to red maples.

11. Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga Candensis) – 116 Trees

Eastern hemlocks benefit from moist, well-drained soil, mulching, pruning. They can do well without fertilization, and are vulnerable to hemlock scale and woolly adelgids. When deer occasionally venture into Poughkeepsie, they love to “browse” trees like eastern hemlocks.

12. Red Oak (Quercus Rubra) – 115 Trees

Red oak trees can use some watering during dry spells, and are also vulnerable to deer browsing.

Hudson Valley Tree Injuries More Likely Due to Invasive Species

Although statistics aren’t kept on the number of injuries and fatalities caused by falling limbs and trees, there’s reason to believe that the risks are on the rise.

According to an expert from the American Hiking Society:

“A lot of forests are suffering, whether it’s from pine beetles, other invasive species, or diseases that are causing trees to die off,” says Trimble. “The likelihood of trees falling down is a much lower possibility when there is a forest full of healthy trees, and there are a lot of unhealthy forests…”

While that quote is referencing forests in California, it’s clear that similar things are happening to us in upstate New York, the Mid-Hudson Valley, and the Catskills. As we covered in a previous blog post, there are many reports of invasives like oriental bitterstweet, the emerald ash borer, the hemlock woolly adelgid, the elongate hemlock scale that are threatening otherwise healthy trees and causing premature disease and death, which in turn can lead to an increase in the risk of falling limbs that cause injuries.

According to one expert from the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, there are only about 15-20 species of tree that are indigenous to the Northeast. A very common one in our area is the ash tree; the emergence of the emerald ash borer since 2010 has led to massive losses. In some areas, there is a death rate of 100%. When a tree is dying or dead, it’s only a matter of time before limbs will fall and risk causing injuries or property damage, not to mention spreading disease to other nearby trees.

According to the Ecological Research Institute, the local fatality rates for ash trees are:

Big Indian: 37%Boiceville: 95%Highland: 98%Kingston: 95%
Margaretville: 43%Malden: 97%Millbrook: 98%Millerton: 10%
Milton: 54%New Paltz: 77%Poughkeepsie: 78%Red Hook: 64%
Rhinebeck: 89%Saugerties: 83%Shokan: 98%Staatsburg: 83%
Stone Ridge: 100%Tivoli: 37%West Hurley: 100%West Saugerties: 100%

Whether you have an ash tree or another kind of tree, our services at Expert Tree Service can help prolong the life of your tree to avoid having to remove it. Tree trimming can promote healthy growth, while our feeding and cabling services provide your trees with the essential nutrients they require for vitality and resilience. Give us a call at 845-331-6782 to learn more.

Call us today 845‑331‑6782

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Tree Removal

Tree Trimming

Feeding and Cabling

Storm Response