When it comes to tree removal in Kingston, NY, the more things change, the more they stay the same. We can see that when looking at a long history of news clippings regarding the subject.
On August 17, 1915, one of the first mentions of tree care in Kingston, NY was made in the Daily Freeman. A newspaper report titled “Fake Tree Doctors” decried an increase in complaints of “unsatisfactory work” and “exorbitant charges” by so-called tree doctors.
“These complaints have come from all sections of the state and are the result of careless and unsatisfactory work upon shade trees in private grounds, streets and parks… overrun by these quack tree doctors who make the wildest promises as to the curing of chestnut blight and other tree troubles.”
The first mention of “tree removal” in Kingston, NY came in the July 19, 1919 issue of the Daily Freeman. An article titled “Kingston Selected as Model for City Tree Planting Scheme” said that “State Forestry Experts Made Survey and Have Prepared Pamphlet Which, If Plans Are Followed, Will Make Kingston Pattern for the Country.”
It’s difficult to tell if that lofty promise was fulfilled. But the article does contain the first references to “tree removal” that appeared in the local newspapers, with regards to a sustainable system of tree management.
“Of these existing trees, nearly three-quarters are in a very unsatisfactory condition, as has already been discussed and probably not more than 25% of the trees can be considered of any value as permanent planting. Of the 75% inferior trees, probably one-third should be removed during the next five years and the balance in the succeeding ten to fifteen years…
Our maintenance operations will therefore begin with the total of 8,000 trees and allowing for the removal of the dead and dying specimens at about the same annual rate as our new planning will give us a practical consistent maintenance cost till all the existing, inferior trees and replaced by new planting and we begin to get an annual increase in the number of trees maintained…
The task of removing large trees from city streets with safety to the occupants of the streets is no simple one, and the cost is consequently high. The cost varies greatly with the size and kind of trees in question, the nature, width and location of the street, the time of year, the efficiency of the organization, the labor market, etc., so that any blanket estimate is of very doubtful accuracy.”

The need for efficient and safe tree removal companies in Ulster County was apparent from these two articles. That’s where Expert Tree Service came in in 1936. In 1948, the Daily Freeman covered the twelve year old company, founded by a World War 2 veteran named David Hughes, Sr.
The narrative of a family business that is licensed, safe, and an alternative to inexperienced and fly-by-night operators has remained consistent for the 88 years Expert Tree Service has been in business.
Here are some additional examples of newspaper ads taken out by Expert Tree Service over the years:

Do you need expert tree care in Kingston, NY or the surrounding area in 2024? Give us a call at 845-331-6782.