The Top Nine Myths About Tree Care in the Hudson Valley

As residents of the Hudson Valley and Catskills region, caring for our trees is essential to maintaining the beauty and health of our properties, landscapes and communities. However, it’s also important to debunk some common myths about tree care.

Let’s explore some localized tips for tree care in Poughkeepsie, Kingston, Catskill, and New Paltz, NY:

Myth #1: Vines Are Good For a Tree

Reality: While it may seem picturesque to see vines climbing up tree trunks, they can actually harm the trees in several ways. Invasive species like English ivy and Virginia creeper compete with trees for sunlight, water, and nutrients, potentially weakening the tree over time. Additionally, the added weight of vines can make trees more susceptible to wind damage and may increase the risk of branches breaking or the entire tree toppling in severe weather. Additionally, vines can provide an avenue for pests and diseases to reach the tree’s canopy, further compromising its health. It’s best to remove vines from trees to ensure their long-term health and stability as part of a tree maintenance regimen.

Myth #2: A healthy-looking tree won’t fall

Reality: While it’s true that healthy trees are generally more structurally sound than unhealthy ones, the outward aesthetics alone doesn’t indicate that a tree is immune to falling. Several factors, including environmental conditions, soil health, and structural integrity, contribute to a tree’s stability. Even seemingly healthy trees can be at risk of falling due to factors like root damage, disease, pest infestation, or severe weather events like storms or heavy snowfall. Regular tree inspections can help identify potential hazards and mitigate the risk of tree failure, ensuring the safety of nearby structures and individuals.

Myth #3: Remove trees only if they are dead

Reality: While dead trees pose obvious safety hazards and should be promptly removed, there are other situations where tree removal may be necessary for safety, health, or aesthetic reasons, even if the tree is still alive. For example, diseased or severely damaged trees may become structurally unsound over time, posing a risk of falling and causing property damage or injury. Additionally, trees that are growing too close to structures or power lines may need to be removed to prevent future issues. It’s essential to assess the overall health, condition, and location of a tree before deciding on removal, and consulting with a expert tree service can help determine the best course of action.

Myth #4: There’s nothing you can do about ash borer disease.

Reality: While it’s true that emerald ash borer (EAB) infestations can be devastating to ash trees, there are several management options available to help mitigate the impact of the disease. One common approach is to treat ash trees with insecticides that target the larvae of the EAB, effectively killing them and protecting the tree from further damage. Additionally, proper pruning and maintenance practices can help improve the overall health and resilience of ash trees, making them less susceptible to EAB infestations. It’s essential to consult with a certified arborist who can assess the situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for affected ash trees. Early detection and intervention are key to preserving the health and longevity of ash trees in areas where EAB is present.

Myth #5: There are no long-term side effects of tree removal.

Reality: Tree removal can have significant long-term effects on the environment and surrounding landscape. When a tree is removed, it not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the area but also disrupts the ecosystem by removing habitat for wildlife, reducing air quality, and impacting soil stability. Additionally, the absence of trees can lead to increased erosion, reduced water retention, and altered microclimates. It’s essential to consider the broader ecological consequences of tree removal and explore alternative options such as pruning, transplanting, or planting new trees to mitigate these impacts and preserve the health and biodiversity of the ecosystem for the long term.

Myth #6: Stump removal will leave a gaping hole in the yard.

Reality: While stump removal does involve extracting the stump from the ground, modern stump removal techniques minimize disruption to the surrounding landscape. Tree experts use specialized equipment to grind down the stump below ground level, effectively eliminating the visible portion of the stump. This process creates wood chips and debris that can be backfilled into the hole left behind, ensuring a relatively smooth and level surface. With proper backfilling and soil compaction, the area can be restored to blend seamlessly with the rest of the yard, minimizing any noticeable impact on the landscape.

Myth #7: It doesn’t matter how the branches are cut, it will grow back.

Reality: The way branches are pruned can significantly impact the tree’s growth and overall health. Improper pruning techniques, such as making flush cuts or leaving stubs, can lead to decay, disease, and structural weakness in the tree. It’s essential to make clean, precise cuts just outside the branch collar or bark ridge to promote proper healing and minimize the risk of pests and pathogens entering the tree. Additionally, strategic pruning helps shape the tree’s growth, encourages strong branch structure, and enhances its aesthetic appeal.

Myth #8: It’s harmless not to remove the stump

Reality: Leaving a tree stump in the ground may seem harmless, but it can actually lead to several issues. Stumps can attract pests like termites, ants, and beetles, which can eventually spread to nearby healthy trees or even your home. They can also become a tripping hazard, especially as they decay and become unstable over time. Additionally, stumps can sprout new growth, resulting in unwanted vegetation that can be difficult to manage. To avoid these problems, it’s best to have stumps professionally removed or ground down to below ground level. This not only eliminates safety hazards but also promotes healthy growth and prevents potential pest infestations.

Myth #9: Tree maintenance is not worth it

Reality: While it may seem like tree maintenance is an unnecessary expense or hassle, it is actually crucial for the health and safety of your trees, as well as your property. Regular tree maintenance, including pruning, trimming, and inspection, helps to identify and address potential issues early on, preventing costly damage and hazards in the long run. Proper tree care also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your landscape and can increase property value. Investing in routine tree maintenance ensures that your trees remain healthy, beautiful, and safe for years to come, making it a worthwhile endeavor for any homeowner.

By understanding and debunking these myths, homeowners in Poughkeepsie, Kingston, Catskill, and New Paltz can ensure the long-term health and vitality of their trees, preserving the beauty of our local landscape for generations to come.

What does El Nino mean for tree care in the Hudson Valley?

As the winter of 2023-2024 approaches, the forecast by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center is that an El Niño winter is coming. In Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia and Greene County, the Hudson Valley and Catskills region, and the Northeast as a whole, we must examine what the implications may be for the health of our trees and the safety concerns that may emerge.

It is true that El Niño may cause warmer than normal temperatures this winter, which could result in less heavy snowfall. However, it could also be a drier winter than usual.

Dryer and Warmer Winter: A Challenge for Trees in the Hudson Valley

A dry and warm winter presents the following challenges to our local trees:

  1. Less soil moisture:  Trees rely on moisture in the soil to sustain them through the winter. Dryer conditions can translate to scarcer soil moisture, which can lead to stress and negatively affect tree health.
  2. Pest and disease vulnerability: Dry conditions are a favorable environment for pests like ash borers, ageldids, hemlock scales, mites and diseases to thrive. Trees already weakened by moisture stress are more susceptible to these threats, increasing the risk of infestations and infections.
  3. Reduced cold weather insulation: Soil moisture acts as an insulator, helping to maintain a healthy soil temperature during particularly cold conditions. Without a protective layer of moisture, more sensitive trees may suffer cold damage, potentially leading to tree death.

How can Tree Services Help?

The dryer and warmer winter forecasted during this El Niño year can have several implications for companies like ours that offer tree services in the Hudson Valley and Catskills:

  1. An increased need for pruning: Trees that have experienced  stress and pest infestations may need extensive pruning to remove damaged and diseased branches. Pruning helps improve tree health and structure and prevent worse outcomes from developing.
  2. More tree removal: When trees are severely stressed, infested, or at risk of falling due to structural issues, tree removal may be necessary for safety reasons.
  3. Cabling and bracing:  To protect vulnerable trees from structural failure during heavy snow or ice events, cabling and bracing services may see increased demand as tree owners seek to safeguard their valuable assets.
  4. Emergency response: When a storm does come, the existing stressful conditions may increase the need for emergency services for trees.

Preparing for the El Niño Winter

In anticipation of the challenges that this El Niño winter may bring, it’s essential for tree owners and communities to take proactive measures before an emergency occurs.

  1. Hydration: Water your trees, especially during dry spells. This can help mitigate moisture stress and maintain tree health.
  2. Pruning and Maintenance: Pruning and other routine maintenance services can help prepare trees for the winter months and reduce potential risks
  3. Emergency Plans: Develop emergency response plans in case of extreme weather events, including access to tree removal and clearance services.

The impending El Niño winter, with its forecasted dryer and warmer conditions presents challenges for trees and ecosystems in Northern regions. As trees face increased stress and vulnerability to pests and diseases, the demand for tree services like pruning, removal, cabling, and emergency response may rise. It’s crucial for tree owners and communities to stay vigilant, take preventive measures, and be prepared for potential tree-related issues during this unusual winter.

What Invasive Species are Harming Hudson Valley Trees?

Although old age, environmental factors, weather patterns and accidents can cause trees to require our services as a tree removal, trimming feeding & cabling company, a little-understood factor is invasive species. 

Invasive species, as the name suggests, are plants and insects that aren’t from our region originally, and have a parasitic relationship with the native trees and plants that are here. If an invasive species finds its way to your property’s trees, it’s possible that your tree won’t have the long, healthy life that it could have had.

In this blog post, we take a look at the four most common invasive species that have invaded our area of Ulster County, Dutchess County, Columbia County, and Greene County, and counted up the number of reports of them on the iMapInvasives reporting system.

1. Oriental Bittersweet (601 Reports)

Coming in first is Oriental Bittersweet. This invasive vine can have a major impact on trees in our area of Dutchess County, Ulster County and Columbia County, but not Greene County, if the data is to be believed.. It has the ability to quickly wrap itself around trees and strangle them, growing thicker and tighter as it restricts the flow of water and nutrients within a tree. It can also shade out the tree’s leaves, add extra weight that leads to branches breaking, and makes trees more vulnerable to other stressors.

Oriental bittersweet, in effect, is a major reason why local trees are having to be taken down. If you see a vine growing up your tree, cutting it at the base and removing it during the dormant season can help prevent it from taking over.

2. Emerald Ash Borer (309 Reports)

Next on the list is the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), the second most commonly reported invasive species in our region. This tiny but destructive beetle has had a significant impact on our local trees and forests, predominantly in Ulster and Greene County.

It’s a major concern for our region’s ash tree population. It works by disrupting the flow of water and nutrients under the bark of ash trees, leading to a decline in the health of the tree. A telltale sign of an infected tree is a thinning canopy, which shows through in a reduction of leaves and tree vigor. As the infestation continues, the tree’s branches may die off, increasing the risk of falling limbs. 

To detect ash borer, regularly inspect the tree for signs of infestation, particularly “D-Shaped” exit holes and canopy thinning. A certified arborist or pest management expert may be able to remediate the tree.

However, if it’s too late, removal and disposal of the tree is likely necessary.

3. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (212 Reports)

Next up is the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae), an invasive insect that poses a major threat to the hemlock trees of our region. This aphid-like insect has devastating consequences for our local hemlock trees, especially in Dutchess, Ulster and Greene Counties.

The agelgids feast on trees’ sap, depriving them of essential nutrients, leading to less growth and a weakened tree. Over time, the hemlock may experience needle loss, and twig and branch death. The weakened hemlock then becomes more susceptible to drought, extreme temperatures and other pests.

If you have a hemlock tree, regularly look out for white, wooly masses at the base of needles. An arborist could apply insecticide that would address the hemlock wooly adelgid. 

4. Elongate Hemlock Scale (50 Reports)

Let’s delve into the impact of the Elongate Hemlock Scale (Fiorinia externa), an invasive insect species that poses a significant threat to hemlock trees in Ulster County. Understanding its effects and management is crucial for protecting our hemlock trees. 

The scales feed on the needles of hemlocks, causing needle loss and making the tree weaker and more susceptible to disease and stressors. If left unmanaged, it will lead to the tree dying and becoming a safety hazard, necessitating tree removal.

That’s it for the list! For your reference, here are the top ten invasive species in each region we could map out in the iMapInvasives database:

Northern Dutchess County 

  1. Curly Pondweed (Potamogeton crispus): 182 confirmed
  2. Eurasian Water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum): 180 confirmed
  3. Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): 116 confirmed
  4. Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus): 94 confirmed
  5. Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): 61 confirmed
  6. Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): 28 confirmed
  7. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae): 26 confirmed
  8. Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum): 23 confirmed
  9. Burning Bush, Winged Euonymus (Euonymus alatus): 22 confirmed
  10. Honeysuckle (species unknown) (Lonicera spp (species unknown)): 17 confirmed

Northern Ulster County

  1. Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio): 464 confirmed
  2. Water Chestnut (Trapa natans): 217 confirmed
  3. Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): 162 confirmed
  4. Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus): 146 confirmed
  5. Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis): 136 confirmed
  6. Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): 85 confirmed
  7. Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum): 71 confirmed
  8. Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): 63 confirmed
  9. Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica): 61 confirmed
  10. Common reed grass, phragmites (Phragmites australis ssp. australis): 61 confirmed

Western Ulster County

  1. Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus): 361 confirmed
  2. Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): 321 confirmed
  3. Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis): 154 confirmed
  4. Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata): 150 confirmed
  5. Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): 150 confirmed
  6. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae): 144 confirmed
  7. Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum): 129 confirmed
  8. Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo (Reynoutria japonica var. japonica): 99 confirmed
  9. Elongate Hemlock Scale (Fiorinia externa): 50 confirmed
  10. Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia): 45 confirmed

Columbia County

  1. Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio): 1687 confirmed
  2. Rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus): 325 confirmed
  3. Water Chestnut (Trapa natans): 164 confirmed
  4. Tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima): 113 confirmed
  5. Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): 81 confirmed
  6. Common reed grass, phragmites (Phragmites australis ssp. australis): 78 confirmed
  7. Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): 77 confirmed
  8. Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum): 66 confirmed
  9. Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus): 66 confirmed
  10. Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo (Reynoutria japonica var. japonica): 66 confirmed

Greene County

  1. Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): 64 confirmed
  2. Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): 53 confirmed
  3. Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): 52 confirmed
  4. Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata): 50 confirmed
  5. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae): 42 confirmed
  6. Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo (Reynoutria japonica var. japonica): 42 confirmed
  7. Water Chestnut (Trapa natans): 22 confirmed
  8. Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis): 19 confirmed
  9. Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia): 18 confirmed
  10. Norway Maple (Acer platanoides): 24 confirmed

Catskill NY’s Top 11 Trees: Essential Care & Maintenance Tips

Catskill, NY is the county seat of Greene County, an area that we know well for its collection of unique and beautiful trees. In 2019, Catskill joined dozens of other municipalities across the state in becoming a “New York State Tree City.”

That designation means that the village:

• Maintains a tree board or department.
• Has community tree ordinance.
• Spends at least $2 per capita on urban forestry.
• Celebrates Arbor Day.

In 2021, the village published a Tree Inventory of all the roadside trees, their size, condition, and what is being done to maintain them. In this blog post, we’re going to list what the 12 most common trees on the village’s land are, and some general things to look out for if you have such a tree yourself.

As always, if you have any need for services around maintaining a tree, cutting off dangerous dead limbs, trimming/cabling, or cutting down a tree on your property, please give us a call at 845-331-6782.

1. Norway maple (91 trees)

Norway Maples are a common sight in many areas of the Northeast due to their adaptability and vibrant autumn foliage. While its dense shade and ability to thrive in urban settings have made it popular, homeowners should be aware of its potential drawbacks. Norway Maples are susceptible to various pests and diseases, like the verticillium wilt. We advise having regular check-ups, pruning, and consulting with a professional arborist to ensure the health and longevity of your Norway Maple.

2. Bradford pear (78 trees)

Bradford pear trees require some attention to ensure their longevity and health. This tree is prone to weak branching, so regular pruning is essential. This will not only enhance its appearance but also reduce the risk of storm damage, which is always a concern in our region. Additionally, it’s vital to water Bradford Pears during prolonged dry spells, especially when they’re young. While they’re are relatively pest and disease-resistant, it’s a good practice to monitor for signs of fire blight, a bacterial disease that causes wilting and blackening of branches. If detected, affected limbs should be pruned immediately to prevent its spread.

3. Silver maple (49 trees)

Silver maples are known for having a fast growth rate, so they’re susceptible to weak wood and can be hit hard by storms. Pruning is critical; prioritize the removal of weak or crossed branches and thinning dense canopies to help promote better air circulation. This not only enhances the tree’s structural integrity but also reduces the risk of fungal infections. While the Silver Maple is adaptable to various soil types, it prefers moist conditions, so regular watering during extended dry periods is essential, especially for younger trees. These trees may also have invasive roots, which may cause issues near sidewalks or septic systems. It’s a good idea to inspect regularly for signs of pests like borers or diseases like tar spot.

4. Crab apple (32 trees)

Crab Apples may be somewhat susceptible to issues like apple scab, rust, and fire blight. Always prune out any diseased or dead wood during the tree’s dormant season, typically in late winter or early spring. When you prune, focus on creating an open canopy to increase air circulation, which can help reduce the risk of disease. Mulching around the base will help retain moisture and deter weeds.

5. Red maple (24 trees)

Silver maple’s cousin are known for having amazing fall foliage. Again, regular pruning is necessary, ideally during the dormant season. Pruning helps remove dead, diseased and crowded branches. The tree has a shallow root system, so it’s important to mulch around the base to retain soil moisture and regulate temperature. While Red Maples can tolerate a wide range of soil types, they thrive best in slightly acidic to neutral soils. Ensure consistent watering, particularly during dry spells. Additionally, always be on the lookout for common pests like aphids or scales, and diseases such as anthracnose or verticillium wilt.

6. Mulberry (22 trees)

Mulberry is a versatile tree that thrives in a variety of soil types, but it really needs the full sun. Regular pruning is helpful, especially during the dormant winter season. A layer of organic mulch around its base while the tree is young may help retain some soil moisture and prevent weed growth. Mulberry trees are relatively drought-tolerant once they’re established, but watering during their early years really helps make that happen.

7. Black walnut (18 trees)

Black walnut trees produce a chemical called juglone, which can be toxic to certain plants, preventing them from growing nearby. It’s essential to be mindful of that if you have plans to plant anything nearby. Black Walnut trees really like deep, well-draining soil, and prefer full sun or at least partial shade. They can be susceptible to pests like the walnut husk fly and diseases such as walnut anthracnose.

8. Sugar maple (18 trees)

While mature Sugar Maples are pretty resistant to droughts, the younger trees need to be watered consistently during dry spells. Pruning is best done in the late winter when the tree is dormant; this reduces the sap flow that can occur with cuts. Focus on removing any dead or crossing branches to maintain a healthy structure. Sugar Maples can be sensitive to road salt and pollution, so they’re best planted away from roadsides or urban stressors. Keep an eye out for common pests like aphids and the leaf spot disease, and consider consulting with a tree specialist if these issues arise.

9. Zelkova (14 trees)

The exotically named Zelkova is a Japanese tree that is adaptable to a range of soil conditions, and tolerate of pollution and tight spaces. While it’s Zelkova is notably resistant to Dutch elm disease, it’s good practice to keep an eye out for potential pests like leaf miners or bark beetles.

10. Norway spruce (14 trees)

The Norway Spruce is a beautiful evergreen that stands as a sentinel in many landscapes, renowned for its tall, pyramidal shape and gracefully drooping branches. While it’s generally strong against many diseases, it’s wise to keep an eye out for pests such as the spruce budworm or spider mites

11. Honey locust (13 trees)

While the Honey Locust is relatively resistant to many diseases, it can be susceptible to pests like webworms. Regularly inspect the foliage for signs of infestations and consider consulting an arborist if you’re unsure of treatment

Kingston, NY’s 19 Most Common Trees and How to Care for Them

Trees are a big deal in Kingston, NY. The city has been named a “Tree City USA” for 27 straight years, because it meets the following conditions:

• Maintains a tree board or department.
• Has community tree ordinance.
• Spends at least $2 per capita on urban forestry.
• Celebrates Arbor Day.

The City has a seven-member tree commission that works with the Kingston Planning Office and Street Treet Planting Program, and also facilitates workshops for residents in skills like basic pruning. Just in September of 2023, the federal government allocated $528,600 to Kingston to “build the capacity of its urban forestry, increasing tree canopy cover, combating invasive species, and improving climate resiliency.” The money will also help Kingston reach its goal of planting 1,000 trees by 2030.

In 2018, the City produced a report called a Tree Inventory. Although it doesn’t cover trees on private property, it did provide a breakdown of the 5,237 trees owned by the City of Kingston along rights of way and in public parks.

Here are the most common trees you can find in Kingston, along with some tips about how to care for them.

Do you need help with maintaining or removing a tree? Give us a call at 845-331-6782 or check out our tree removal and maintenance services here.

1. Norway Maple (Acer Plantanoides) – 515

It’s important to periodically inspect your Norway Maple for signs of the Verticillium wilt, a common disease affecting this species. Furthermore, these trees are susceptible to tar spot, which, although primarily cosmetic, can lead to early leaf drop. We recommend seasonal check-ups, proper pruning, and consulting with a professional arborist to ensure the health and longevity of your Norway Maple.

2. Thornless Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos forma inermis): 396

This tree is well-suited for our region’s urban and suburban landscapes, and is often celebrated for its delicate, fern-like foliage and adaptability to varied soil and environmental conditions. However, Thornless Honey Locust owners should be vigilant about potential pests like the honeylocust plant bug and spider mites, which can cause discoloration and premature leaf drop. Additionally, be on the lookout for cankers, a fungal disease that can damage the bark. Regular inspections, proper watering, and timely pruning can mitigate these concerns.

3. Ornamental Pear (Pyrus calleryana): 326

Ornamental Pears can be susceptible to certain issues. Fire blight is a particular concern, manifesting as a sudden wilting and blackening of branches, resembling fire damage. Additionally, these trees have a tendency to grow with tight branch angles, making them prone to splitting during heavy snow or wind storms. To maximize the health and longevity of your Ornamental Pear, we recommend regular pruning to improve its structure and periodic inspections for signs of disease.

4. Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum): 300

While Sugar Maples are generally hardy, they can be sensitive to soil compaction, road salts, and urban pollution. These stressors can cause leaf scorching and reduced vigor. Additionally, the tree is occasionally susceptible to pests like the Asian long-horned beetle and diseases such as Tar Spot. Proper mulching, watering during dry periods, and periodic health checks are essential. We always encourage tree owners to undertake routine inspections and to consider professional pruning to help maintain your Sugar Maple’s health and majestic stature.

5. Red Maple (Acer rubrum): 219

This tree stands as one of the most versatile and widely planted hardwood trees in North America. Its fiery fall foliage is a spectacular sight and a testament to the beauty of our region. While Red Maples are generally adaptable, they do have a susceptibility to pests such as the Red Maple Borer and diseases like Verticillium wilt. It’s also important to be mindful of their sensitive root systems, which can be easily damaged by lawn mowers or other disturbances. Proper mulching can help protect these roots, while ensuring good drainage can prevent potential fungal issues. For the longevity and splendor of your Red Maple, we recommend periodic health evaluations and expert pruning services

6. Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia): 156

If you have a Black Locust on your property, you’re nurturing a resilient, fast-growing tree known for its rot-resistant wood and fragrant spring blossoms. While the tree is adaptable to various conditions, it is still prone to issues like the locust borer, a beetle that can significantly weaken its structure. Additionally, the tree can sometimes spread aggressively through root suckers, which might require management to maintain your desired landscape. Proper pruning is essential to prevent any potential structural problems, and the removal of deadwood can deter pests.

7. Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum): 121

This species, with its distinctive silver underside of leaves, adds an elegant touch to many landscapes. However, with its rapid growth, the Silver Maple can sometimes develop weak wood and brittle branches, making it more susceptible to storm damage. It’s crucial to keep an eye out for signs of fungal infections or potential infestations by pests like the borers. Regular pruning, especially when the tree is young, can help in shaping its structure and reducing the risk of breakage

8. Little-Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata): 119

This tree is celebrated for its fragrant flowers and dense canopy, providing lovely shade during the warm months. At Expert Tree Service, we’d like you to be aware that while the Little-Leaf Linden is relatively hardy, it can occasionally be a target for aphids. These pests excrete a substance called honeydew, which can lead to the development of sooty mold on the leaves.

9. White Pine (Pinus strobus): 107

White Pine stands tall as an iconic native conifer, prized for its long, soft needles and distinctive appearance. If you’re lucky enough to have a White Pine gracing your property, there are a few things you should be aware of to ensure its health and longevity. White Pines can be susceptible to white pine weevil and blister rust. The former can cause the tips of branches to wilt and turn brown, while the latter manifests as orange, blister-like pustules on the branches. Furthermore, these trees are sensitive to air pollution and road salt, so placement and protection are key.

10. Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis): 102

Eastern hemlock serves not only as an ornamental gem but also as a refuge for various wildlife. The tree is vulnerable to the hemlock woolly adelgid. This tiny insect, recognized by the white, woolly masses it leaves on the underside of branches, can seriously weaken and even kill a Hemlock if left unchecked. Moreover, Eastern Hemlocks prefer cool, shaded, and moist environments, making proper placement vital for their health.

Here’s the rest of the list:

11. American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis): 101
12. Norway Spruce (Picea abies): 99
13. Pin Oak (Quercus palustris): 98
14. Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo biloba): 59
15. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana): 58
16. Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens): 57
17. Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila): 47
18. Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum): 41
19. Japanese Flowering Cherry (Prunus serrulata): 38

Call us today 845‑331‑6782

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Tree Removal

Tree Trimming

Feeding and Cabling

Storm Response